Have your CNG drivers voiced these concerns?

CNG technicians get a lot of the credit for keeping your fleet up and running, but don’t overlook the value and responsibilities of your drivers. Not only are they directly contributing to your ROI, they’re the employees who spend the majority of their time in these vehicles. Any issues or concerns are more likely to […]
Will Renewable Natural Gas affect your fleet?

You’ve probably heard a lot of buzz around renewable natural gas (RNG). Unlike natural gas that’s derived from deep underground wells, RNG comes from organic waste material sourced from dairies, landfills, and water treatment plants. Some states like California are pushing hard for this alternative energy source to decarbonize the sectors that already depend heavily on CNG, […]
All NGV technicians benefit from CNG Fuel System Inspector training
While you may only have a handful of technicians who have been designated or trained as CNG Fuel System Inspectors, the reality is that all of them would benefit from this course. There are a few reasons for this, but the one I want to stress the most is safety. By their very nature, CNG […]
Confused about these CNG fuel system inspection requirements?
We understand that your fleet needs to keep moving, but not at the expense of safety. We also know that some regulations may seem confusing when it comes to the proper inspection and maintenance of your CNG fuel systems. Here are the ones we get the most questions about, and our recommendations on how to […]
Want your CNG fueling station to last 50 years?
Depending on how well you maintain your CNG fueling station, it could either perform well for 50 years or fall apart after 5. The good news is that it’s relatively simple to get the most out of yours, as long as you follow industry best practices and manufacturer’s guidelines for preventative maintenance on your compressors. […]
CNG in-person training is still available—and safe
You may have considered some of the courses we offer for getting your technicians up to speed on the latest in heavy-duty NGV maintenance and diagnostics, or CNG fuel system inspection requirements, but you’re worried about holding on-site training. We understand your concern. The pandemic has forced all businesses, regardless of industry, to rethink […]
Flint MTA: CNG Training Gave Us Increased Fleet Uptime and Lower Technician Turnover
Mass Transportation Authority in Flint, Michigan (Flint MTA) is taking a huge step to reduce its carbon footprint by working towards a 100% alternative fuel fleet. Flint MTA began introducing CNG to its fleet in 2015, and started training with NGVi shortly after. Recently, NGVi had the opportunity to talk with Robert Ellsworth, Maintenance Quality […]